Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wicklow Mountains 09.06.12

Wicklow is a place just south of Dublin.  It has amazing mountains and scenery and rolling hills and. ugh. Just gorgeous.  We went on a tour bus that makes a few stops along the way to show you all the cool stuff, and the guide talks the entire time and tells you stories and stuff.  It's kinda nice because you learn things you never would have known before.

Anyways, you get to stop on the bridge where the lovers met in P.S. I Love You (which I love).  I took a picture. It's cute, right? :)

Sorry that this post has taken so long, I have kind of forgotten some of the details.  We also stopped in the National Park at this church/graveyard in Glendalough.

There was a cross that if you could reach your arms all the way around, then you get to make a wish while you're hugging this cross.  Larri go there Mama-Long-Arms around it in one try, I had to resituate a few times to get it but finally made it work with the corners strategically placed in my elbows.  Good thinking on my part.  So I made my wish ;)

There was also a look-out tower that they say if you run around 3 times counterclockwise, then you will be married within a year.  (and 3 times the other way and you'd be divorced).  Decided to give it a shot so me and Larri gave it a little jog... Prepare yourself, Papa.

Finally we ended up at this amazing lake that reminded me of Switzerland so much! It was out of this world pretty.  Me and Larri got artsy fartsy with our picture taking... but then we had to pee and there were waterfalls all the way back to the town where the toilets were, so... we ran. First workout in Ireland. You'd be proud, Ma. I ran... once. Haha

Like I always say, every good tour ends in alcohol. The bus driver gave us shots of Jameson for our ride home. WOO HOO!

I only have 3 weeks or so left.. and I'm not ready to leave. I think I'm coming back to work after graduation for sure.  I guess I have time between now and then to think about it.

Tomorrow is the start of UKCRF Conference at Trinity College.  I love working at Trinity because it's so close to my house, and it's beautiful "scenery" everyday.  (So many hotties getting coffee next to our registration desk).  And next week starts the big huge conference, ESOF, which I'm really excited about. It's going to look amazing on my resume and I've been working really hard on it to help get it ready.

I'll write about my trip to the Cliffs of Moher now.  Sorry I've been slacking at writing.  I'll catch up now. :)

love you and miss you all!!!!!

xoxo k

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