Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin 17.06.12

Kilmainham Gaol is the old jail in Dublin where all these crazy tortures and stuff went down.  The tour itself was kinda boring but it was a really cool building to go into.  It was in use until just not too long ago and crazy stuff was goin down. I'm not really sure of the story.  But you can google it if you really wanna know. I was more interested in the architecture and the carvings on the walls from the prisoners and stuff.  Oh! I remember. During the hard times, like the potato famine, I think, people would steal a loaf of bread and get caught on purpose so that they would be sent to jail where they were fed and sheltered but it was like extremely full and people were sleeping in all the halls and it was just really full.

They killed some people against this wall....

 I also got to lock Larri in a a cell for like.. 2 sec. Bummer, I know. I tried to see if we could leave her in there a bit, but the guy made me let her out. Plus I bet someone died in there.

This is the inside of the building!  Freaking awesome right?? It was such a cool building. And there were all the old wing off shoots from here which is the new wing or whatever, but none of it is in use anymore.  Except for in movies and for tourists like me :)

After I let Larri out, she retaliated with putting me in there. It was a little scary. I will admit.  But she let me out cuz she loves me.

We also got lost on our way there and found this super cool bike festival. Hard to pass up and not watch the old guy do cool tricks on his bangin bike.  Eeeeeempreseeeeve.

That's our jail day in a nutshell. Gotta see it all once.

ta ta for now, amigos.


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