Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dublin Life Episode 1

Social life is amazing here.  Simply amazing.  Pub life is one of the best cultures I have ever experienced. People just start singing or playing an instrument and then a ton of others will join in and pretty soon the whole place is dancing around and whistling and shit.

There's this place called Diceys that has 2 euro drinks every Tuesday. Needless to say: my favorite place on Tuesdays.  And our international flat mates love it too.  So that's convenient.  They mostly like clubs and stuff, and I honestly would rather not have to comb my hair to go out... of my house.... ever. Haha.  But my roomie, Marie likes to comb and braid my hair, so I got lucky. Wa la! (she says that when she's done. She's French, it's cool. NBD).  So I'll introduce you to a few of my fav internationals:

Luca and Morrison (French boys. Luca has the best pinching cheeks ever. Luca is Larri's roomie and Morrison is Erica's)

Yannis (badass French man and Larri's roomie)

Classic Larri face (she looks this way when she doesn't get chocolate... or beer)

Luca and Adrien (we used to call Adrien "Sweater" because he always wears the same man sweater. who are we kidding? we still call him Sweater).  We love them so much. They really just make me smile way too much when I see them.  Not to mention their cute little accents that just hit the spot. Luca calls me "Mi amore" and Adrien always says, "romantic" but pronounces it ro-man-teee-k and it just kills me. Xoxo.  They have a bromance that will last a lifetime.

Me and Larri. I just love this one.

"The Boys"- Yannis, Adrien, and Sebastian (Sebastian lives in the most amazing flat I have ever seen. and he bought us pizza when we were there. I want to live there. Plus it's right on the Liffey next to the Jameson Distillery. Yum)

Larri and her new roomie Alexa from Berkeley (she's a funny fish if i have ever found one)

Apparently I don't have any pics of my own flat mates.  That will be my mission for my next episode of Dublin Life.

This is a band at a bar in Temple Bar called Porter House.  They brew their own beer including Galway Hooker, which is my fav.  But the band sucked.  He was an American singer and was just... too out there for me. bad dancing, awkward moves. Just too much.  But good beer. And that's all that counts.

k. til next time.

xoxo K

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