Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A promise for more.

I have a ton to tell you all, but I will be home in a week from today. I am going to miss it here soooooo effin much, but I can't wait to see family, friends, and of course, baby Kelsey.

I promise to post more about my adventures here next week when I get some down time.

I have just finished working a very hard week which included working days of 12-19 hours long.  I was very tired and got today and tomorrow off, so I slept.  I wish I could do something amazing, but I really needed the sleep.

Lunch with Larri (who "helps" new people learn her name by saying, "like Jeremy, but with an L".  Anyway, this poor new girl rommate asks me, "so is it Jeremy, or Laramie?"  and I said, "it's Jeremy, but you can call her Jerri". hahahaha. She did it to herself really. hahaha. classic

Nicola is here visiting. And I have missed him and Yannis sooooo much! But the day after I leave, he also has to leave, and Jerri is going with to see Paris! I'm so jealous! But I must return. 'MERICA!!

I'm working on sending the boxes home of souveneezies and stuff, but I wanna make sure I don't have to add anything more to them before I send it. Like some of my clothes.

Anyways, the point of this post was to promise you more stories soon, (Cork, cliffs of Moher still i think/Doolin, work, yadda yadda) I have a ton to catch up with.

OH!!! and I have a little special video that will look great on here of none other than Jerri herself. You will all pee your pants. prepare. Go get your Depends now. hahaha

love you!!!


(work has begun calling me kazza. i like it)

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