Monday, October 8, 2012


AshMarie, Bee My Shizzle, and Taylor all turned the big two one this year!  It seems like just yesterday that I refused to buy them booze. :)

Ah... who am I kidding? I'm not that much older than them, especially by looks *wink wink* and we all know they are far more mature than me at (most) times.  These girls get to have the most rockin year of their lives! Taylor spending a semester in London, Britt in Australia, and Ash in Chile.

I'm extremely upset that they are goin to miss my official send off into the real world (my first college graduation party) for such travels, but well, I'd miss it too. In fact, I'm considering it, but don't tell mami or papa yet.  South American travel for a few weeks before my return to Dublin?  It looks like a serious consideration to me!!

Happy birthday girls!! I wish you all the best and hope you're having a blast in college!  Live it up before you have to join the real world too.

Keep it real, homies. Party on.

Ash on the morning of her bday, after a great night and an interesting morning :)

green slime in the bush next to a bike race. what?

Taylor spending quality London time. Miss her.

The four greatest girls I know.  BanAnna included.

Me and Bee My Shizzle at the Phoenix Fashion Week for her bday celebration.
BLAST! Happy birthday Bee she's

xoxo - k

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