Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Howth 16.06.12

So a few weekends ago me, Larri, Erica, David O'Reilly (bartender whom I will get to later), Nichola (Larri's French man flat mate), and Yannis (another of Larri's French man flat mates) all went to Howth together. It's just a quick 30 min Luas ride to the coast of Dublin. Great seafood and views.

We went wandering around on the rocks and found caves and waterfalls and it was awesome.  We sat on the docks for a while and took pictures and drank beer. (duh.)  We saw this seal with a "dodgy eye" and I named him Frank.


This is Yannis on just a normal day. He always looks this badass. He gets so embarrassed when we call him a badass and it's super cute. He blushes kinda in his French way.  Love him.

This is the cute, tiny little Howth town with the best fish and chips yet!

Seal with the "dodgy eye". All credit to David O'Reilly. Haha. O the things Irish people say.  Today Jenny (a girl I work with, or kinda work for this week) and I got super dirty and she said, "Dang K-Dub, we are manky!" Manky we were indeed. :)

That's your quick intro to the gloriousness that was Howth.  We had a blast!  Wonderful day or beer-drinking on the Luas, beach of stones, and docks of Howth.

xoxo, Happy Fourth of July, Merica!

K-Dub :)

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